Attitudes of university professors towards the scientific uses of Facebook in the Kurdistan region Sulaymaniyah and Sulaymaniyah Technical University as a model


  • Hmn Majeed Hassan Media Department / Human Sciences / Sulaymaniyah University
  • Baqer Dawood Hussein Technical Institute in Sulaymaniyah / Media


الكلمات المفتاحية:

( Attitudes, Scientific Uses, Facebook)


  This research deals with a cognitive topic on the ground of the knowledge relationship that exists between Facebook and university professors in the Kurdistan region, as it aims to reveal the trends of university professors in the Kurdistan region towards the scientific uses of Facebook, in order to realize a set of communicative habits and their motives, through access to these trends And what it is, which is basically the structural problem of this study. This is by obtaining field answers to the following questions:

  • What are the scientific motives for university professors' use of Facebook?
  • What are the academic groups that university professors communicate with for this purpose?
  • What are the academic gratifications achieved by university professors' use of Facebook?

   The research is considered an appropriate descriptive research to discover what its structural variables and the interconnections that bring together, that is, those variables, using the survey methodology to address its basic questions in the field, relying on the professors of human sciences at the University of Sulaymaniyah and Sulaymaniyah Technical University as a collective for research and comprehensive inventory, and its most important results are:

-The existence of a good relationship between university professors and the Facebook social network.

-The presence of good interactive experience among university professors regarding this social network, i.e. Facebook.


السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

Hmn Majeed Hassan، Media Department / Human Sciences / Sulaymaniyah University





Baqer Dawood Hussein، Technical Institute in Sulaymaniyah / Media



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كيفية الاقتباس

Hassan, H. M. ., & Hussein, B. D. . (2020). Attitudes of university professors towards the scientific uses of Facebook in the Kurdistan region Sulaymaniyah and Sulaymaniyah Technical University as a model. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 24(6), 106–121.


