Greeting in the speech of the Duhok  Region


  • Sherzad Sabri Ali College of Basic education- Department of Kurdish Language/ Duhok University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

politness , positive greeting, Negative greeting , Oral speech, body language.




Greeting is one of the most important topics in linguistics and has a prominent role in pragmatic studies. This research was conducted according to the (Kirdasi -2013) point of view to study the formulas and strategies for using greeting among the inhabitants of the Duhok Region  by observing their use of the greeting in (12) different situations. This paper aims to know the percentage of strategies used in each of the selected situations, using the statistical method. The research consists of two chapters. The first chapter spoke about the Greeting, and then dealt with it specifically in pragmatic framework. The second chapter is devoted to apply greeting strategies among the speakers of the Duhok Region.                                                                                       


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ali , S. S. (2021). Greeting in the speech of the Duhok  Region. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 25(2), 110–136.


