Economic Aspects in the Iraqi Constitution Issued in 2005


  • Ismael Mustafa Abdulrahman Soran Technical Institute- Erbil Polytechnic University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

The Iraqi Constitution, Economic Aspects, Constitutional Economy.


Legal institutions and organizations play a fundamental role in creating a favorable climate for economic activity and building a society that enjoys freedom and safety. The importance of this research comes from its discussion of the constitution of a federal state that suffers from problems that have their roots in the structure of the state. The research aims to analyze items related to economic aspects and compare them with similar articles of the constitutions of selected countries. The research reached a set of conclusions including, the Iraqi Constitution contains a set of articles related to the economy, but some of them suffer from lack of clarity and others from overlapping. Finally, a number of recommendations were presented, including the promulgation of some laws in order to clarify and consolidate the provisions of the constitution.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abdulrahman , I. M. . (2021). Economic Aspects in the Iraqi Constitution Issued in 2005. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 25(3), 128–140.


