Sociological Perspectives on Scientific Knowledge A Theoretical Study in the Field of Sociology of Knowledge


  • Abdulsamih Muhammed Rahman College of Arts- Department of sociology/ Salahaddin University-Erbil


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Sceince, Sciencetifc knowledge, Science popularization


Since the second half of the twentieth century, science as a kind of knowledge, as well as a social institution, became the subject of research from a sociological point of view, and especially through the sociology of knowledge. One of the main theses this field from the beginning is that knowledge is socially produced and inherited. Science in itself refers to a systematic and organized structure of knowledge in any field of inquiry by the use of the scientific method. The position and role of science in societies is constantly changing. These changes are valuable in two ways: first, in terms of how science defines knowledge; Second, how knowledge and scientific knowledge are linked to the totality of other systems and strutures of society. Delivering knowledge to the public and making it part of social awareness will be through a process called popularization of science and this will require a special method of mixing with social and cultural elements. The main purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical review of the literature produced in the field of sociology of knowledge on scientific knowledge. The research method is a descriptive-analytical method. The main result of this study is: no kind of knowledge will be created and disseminated without regarding of its social aspects. Moreover, the social realities themselves are the product of different knowledge, meaning that there is no social reality that does not have a specific knowledge.


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- میران، رشاد (٢٠١٠) چەند بابەتێکی ئێتنۆ- کۆمەڵایەتی. دەزگای توێژینەوە و بڵاوکردنەوەی موکریانی. هەولێر



كيفية الاقتباس

Rahman, A. M. . (2021). Sociological Perspectives on Scientific Knowledge A Theoretical Study in the Field of Sociology of Knowledge. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 25(3), 72–83.


