The Appearance of Pottery Kiln in Northern Mesopotamia in Prehistoric Periods Until Neo-Assyrian Period


  • Abdullah Bakr Othman Archaeology department, College of Arts/ Salahaddin University-Erbil


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Kiln, Pottery, Clay, Period, Mesopotamia.


The kiln is consisting of two chambers, combustion chamber and baked chamber. The pottery put in isolated baked chamber on the perforated floor which flu the hot gasses from the combustion chamber. Kiln used for baked pottery despite this has used for baked clay staffs such as the figurines, mud-bricks, dulls, toys, seals and cuneiform tablets, then used for melting the glasses and mineral substances. This paper is focusing on the early Kiln in North Mesopotamia from prehistoric periods to the Neo-Assyrian periods as well as focusing on the Architectural and cultural aspects. The northern Mesopotamia is the land of the appearance of the civilization and then let the south to build southern civilization. This paper studied and analysis Architectural material for building, fuel material and the effect of the high and low temperature on the exterior and interior ceramics colors surfaces and the core color of the pots. I hope this paper give the light on the History of the Kiln arts and its architecture development in the Northern Mesopotamai in general and Iraqi Kurdistan particulary.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Othman, A. B. . (2021). The Appearance of Pottery Kiln in Northern Mesopotamia in Prehistoric Periods Until Neo-Assyrian Period. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 25(3), 53–71.


