Anomie and its relationship to social trust among a group of university youth


  • Mohammad Taha Hussein Bakr College of Arts. Department of Psychology.Salahaddin University-Erbil


الكلمات المفتاحية:

non-normativeness, social trust, university youth.



The current research (Anomie and its relationship to social trust among a group of university youth) aims to know the levels of Anomie and social trust when specifying it in general, and then to know the multiple relationships either between the two main variables and between those variables and their sub-variables. The research was taken from (120) male and female students as a sample for it, which was divided into two colleges at Salahaddin University (Arts and Languages). The research used two scales to measure the behavioral phenomena to be studied, which are the (Timorese 2011, Hilal 2019 scale for ready-made standards, consisting of (24) items, and taking the Social Trust Scale (Nazmi 2011) consisting of (38) items. The research found that the level of the two variables among the sample individuals was statistically significant, and there were no sexual differences in them when comparing them through the T-test for two samples. The relationship between Anomie and social confidence is significant at (0.05) level.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Bakr, M. T. H. . (2021). Anomie and its relationship to social trust among a group of university youth. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 25(5), 78–91.


