The role of media training in improving the skills of journalistsin Kurdish media organisations


  • Abdulsamad Qadir Hussein Public relations and marketing department, polytechnic university of Sulaimani


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Training، Learning، Trainer، Media skills in KRI


This paper will examine the role of media training on the improvement of journalists’ skills, ability and experience in their everyday practices in Kurdish media organisations. The article will examine the case of Kurdish media trainers and participants in media training, for instance professional journalists and junior journalists in the field of media. This paper is primarily based on the use of a survey method and online questionnaire. Furthermore, the article will concentrate on the role of media trainers in delivering new information to participants through the media training. The research project found that the media trainer plays an essential role in the improvement of journalists and junior journalists of the Kurdish media organizations, especially in the change of new technology which has provided more opportunity to junior journalists to be involved in the process of learning within media training, which has also helped the professional journalists and junior journalists to raise their level of knowledge, experience and skills in the field of media practices. According to the result, the majority of responds of survey conformed that media training supports them to improve learning skills in percentage (58.70%). The findings illustrated the trainees acknowledge that the media raining them assists to better preference in their everyday journalism practices in percentage (51.45%).


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hussein , A. Q. . (2023). The role of media training in improving the skills of journalistsin Kurdish media organisations. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 27(6), 287–305.


