Characteristics of the River Islands of the Greater Zab River Between "Rizan Village and Its Mouth" Hydro Geomorphological Study


  • Kawa Jabbar Rahman Department of Geography, Collage of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Tahseen Abdulraheem Azeez Department of Geography, Collage of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil     


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Great River, River, Island.


This study was conducted on the Great River between Rezan village and its mouth with the aim of determining the characteristics of the river islands, based on satellite images (Landsat 8) using the index Modified Normalized Water Difference (MNDWI). Then compare the map of the area in Google Earth Map History to ensure the presence of river islands and their locations, then use field work and camera images (FlyCam) to investigate the number of islands. The number of river islands in the region reaches (84) permanent islands, and based on different classifications. have been presented. Most of the islands are located in the middle of the river corridor, which has 38 islands. Most of the islands are in the middle of the river corridor, which has 64 islands. In the same way, in terms of the place of creation of the islands. Meanwhile, according to the island surfaces, it has been found that 64 rivers belong to the small areas, and their areas are between 284-80,539 m2.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Rahman, K. J. ., & Azeez, T. A. . (2024). Characteristics of the River Islands of the Greater Zab River Between "Rizan Village and Its Mouth" Hydro Geomorphological Study . Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 28(SpA), 17–36.


