The Uses of remote sensing and GIS in deriving surface water maps in the Sirwan River basin in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Tahseen Azeez College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil


الكلمات المفتاحية:

(MNDWI), Sirwan River, remote sensing, geographic information systems.


This study aims to derive surface water maps in the Sirwan River Basin (Darbandikhan Lake Basin) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq through remote sensing data and geographic information systems programs, and to determine the areas covered by water at different times, which is one of the modern methods to know the reality of surface water resources.

In this study, satellite data (Landsat 8) was used, and based on the (NDWI) index, water bodies were identified in the study area during the months of the two water years (2018-2019) and (2020-2021), and a map of the drainage network of surface waterways was derived in The study area based on the digital elevation model of the area .The study concluded that the area of areas covered by surface water in the month of (May 2019) amounted to (104.93) square kilometers. While this area was in the month of (September 2021), it decreased to (34.9) km 2. The area covered by the waters of Lake Darbandikhan decreased, so it was (103.5) km2 in May, and decreased in September to (34.57) km2.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Azeez, T. (2023). The Uses of remote sensing and GIS in deriving surface water maps in the Sirwan River basin in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 27(5), 238–255.


