The role of the new education in achieving the educational principles of children's theater
The research on theater programming in new pedagogic techniquesAbstract
The title of this research (The Role of New Education in Achieving the Educational Principles of Children's Theatre), which discusses the role of children's theater performances and educational programs, the history and etiquette of children's theater by programming theater for education. This research consists of an introduction, three parts, and research results. The first part of this research consists of the research problem, its objectives, the importance of the research and the scope of the research, as well as the definition of the terms new education, education, theater, children and children's theater).
The research examines the educational mechanisms and activities of the educational role of the child's theater in developing the different abilities of children.
1- Children's theater is an important factor in carrying the message of happiness and artistic pleasure. It gives the child aesthetics, causes the development of the child's mind and expresses his feelings. In order to build a healthy and smart generation if new educational mechanisms are used.
- Children's theater can become an advocate for the preservation of national culture and customs.
3- Children's theater has the ability to carry and transmit many messages because of its wide world, especially the educational aspects that can become the cornerstone of the new education.
4- The use of educational programs by programming the children's theater will create a creative environment for children.
- Technologies, scenography and technological progress help to create space and strengthen children's imagination, which are the main points of children's creativity. Which provides pedagogical principles of purpose and appropriate innovative work.
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