Reflection of the taboo in the collection of stories “To whom should I greet?” (Based on the gender representation of the characters)


  • Jihad Shukri Rashid Persian Department, College of Languages, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Anwar Mohammed Saleem Haji College of Languages, Salahaddin University-Erbil



Gender, to whom should I great, Taboo, Behavioral taboo, Linguistic taboo


This article in addition to introducing and defining taboos, examines the existing and well-known taboos in the collection of short stories” To whom should I greet” by the famous Iranian novelist SiminDaneshvar, during which, it refers to the use of taboo words by the characters of gender(female/male) in social situations. The authors have tried to include social behaviors such as: good/bad, holy/ unholy, polite/ impolite, etc. in social relations and dialogues of the work, based on the accepted norms of the Iranian society in front of the readers. In adition to be able to explain the relationship between culture and language and the intractions between the two in terms of prohibition in the sociology of language based on gender differences and how they are used. Besides, to prove that in this work, Simin while paying attention to the values of the Persian society, has consciously tried to break the linguistic norms in the daily individual and social life of the characters of some of stories in many cases.

     This study also tried to show the results obtained from the frequency of using taboos and inconveniences in the actions and speech of speakers by gender in the form of a graph at the end of the article and between gender and taboos in terms of their use in speakers there was a significant relationship.


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