The Extent of The Formation of the False Self among Displaced Middle School Students in Light of Some Variables


  • Dhafar Hatim Fadheel Mosul University



False self, middle school students.


The research aimed to identify the level of false self among middle school students displaced to Erbil. Depending on the variables (gender, grade, specialization, economic aspect, type of school). The sample included (360) male and female students, who were selected using an equal random stratified method. From the fourth and fifth grades of middle school, for the academic year (2023-2024), distributed among (10) middle and high schools, (5) of which are for males, (5) for females, with a ratio of (180) males and (180) females, The researcher prepared a tool to measure the false self, consisting of (30) items. The apparent validity of the scale was verified by presenting it to experts, and the construct validity was verified, and the stability of the scale was verified by a retest method, and the reliability coefficient reached (84.0). The Pearson correlation coefficient and the t-test were used as statistical methods, and the research results showed the following:

  • High level of false self among displaced students in middle school.
  • There is a statistically significant difference in the level of false self-according to the gender variable (males and females) in favor of males.
  • There is no statistically significant difference in the level of false self-depending on the specialization variable (scientific, literary).
  • There is a statistically significant difference in the level of false self-according to the family monthly income variable (high and low) and in favor of those with high monthly income.

There is a statistically significant difference in the level of false self-according to the variable type of school (governmental, private) and in favor of private school students.


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