Promoting Prophetic Values in International Schools in Iraq (A Field Study)


  • Ola Ibrahim Mahmood Department of Arabic language, College of Education for Human Sciences, Al-Hamdaniya University, Mosul, Iraq



prophetic values, social activities, international schools, modern education.


The study aimed to shed light on the role of Islamic religious values and the moral aspect in educational institutions, specifically in international schools, to highlight the role of local administrations in promoting the religious and moral aspect of students, especially that students in international schools are the main language of the curriculum foreign (such as English, Turkish, French, etc...) and so that the student does not lose his religious and national identity and even his mother tongue, especially since I sensed in my previous experience in teaching in an international school that students need It is urgent to get closer to moral commitment, identify its correct identity, exchange ideas and opinions, set protective examples, and know the usefulness of these values in our daily lives, and the extent to which students follow their teachers who have these correct religious and moral values away from fanaticism and puritanism, especially since this aspect touches the instinct that God (Almighty) has instilled in us, the feelings of students, their spiritual and human side.

The study followed the use of a questionnaire consisting of two important sections, the first section is concerned with the student's opinion, tendencies, interests, etc., while the second section included the side of school administrations and the way they support students and promote religious and moral values, whether by guidance and interest in competitions and visits to universities such as libraries, scientific museums, trips that emphasize religious and archaeological identity and other activities.

The number of students who expressed their opinion on the field questionnaire reached (200) students in two international schools different in environment and place, and opinions varied among students according to their family upbringing, environment, and place.

The conclusion of the questionnaire is that students are in greater need to learn about religious values and the extent to which they are related and applied in our daily lives, some students were (25%) lack knowledge of their mother tongue and religious culture, and the limited understanding of some students that religious values are valid for every time and place and are compatible with contemporary societal development and they were (50%) of the total students and the best evidence of this is that modern education today refers to the work of collective groups (Teamwork) corresponds to An important religious value is the cooperation that Islamic law has urged since time immemorial.

The study recommended to benefit from the people of educational and religious moral specialties and increase the activity for that, and to intensify efforts to enhance joint work in the work of community activities and voluntary visits among specialized teachers and international schools to raise awareness of religious and moral values, in addition to the above emphasis on the role of the social worker in international schools in educating students about these values and indicating their importance in solving their social problems.


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