The duality of presence and absence in Tashari's by Enaam Kajaji


  • Safa Jamal Dawood Arabic department-collage of Education / Salahaddin University-Erbil



Attendance, absence, Tachari, duality of presence and absence


The research deals with the issue of presence and absence in Tashari’s novel by the Iraqi writer Ana’am Kaja Ji, and after presenting a glimpse into the concept of presence and absence, linguistically and idiomatically, and providing a glimpse into the novelist and her novel. the research aims to trace the effect of the duality of presence and absence in the narrative construction of the novel at the level of personality, Dialogue, time, and lastly at the level of place in the linguistic fabric of the novel (Tashari).

    The research aims to choose models from the novel and its approach to analysis from specific visions, guided by the critical statements of presence and absence; It monitors the forms of the presence and absence of the character, the manifestations of the presence and absence of the elements of dialogue, time and place in the novel, studying them, clarifying the mechanisms of that manifestation, and pointing at the most prominent techniques adopted for its textual manifestations in the textual world of the novel and its solid narrative fabric, in order to present a panoramic image that embodies the features of presence and absence in the narrative text of the chosen blog.




