Autism and Language Disorders at Different Language Proficiency Levels and Treatment of Autism
Autism, symptoms of Autism, types of Autism, language disorders, language disorders at different language levels.Abstract
The study is entitled "Autism and Language Disorders at Different Language Proficiency Levels and treatment of Autism" The choice of this research topic is driven by the global prevalence and rising incidence of autism spectrum disorders. Consequently, it merits extensive attention and investigation. Moreover, it is important to note that autism is among the conditions that impair language abilities. One of the prevailing symptoms is the loss of speech or impairment of language, which varies based on the severity and type of autism.
In this study, our objective is to address this issue by identifying language disorders at various levels of language. This research has attempted to identify and present this issue using the descriptive analytical method, relying on the quotation and analysis of several examples.
According to this study, if the type of autism is not severe, then the individual produces some strange sounds and words, which we sometimes do not understand their meanings. In other words, their language is distorted and their expressions do not look like those of ordinary people. However, if the type of autism is severe, the person cannot speak at all but relies more on non-verbal cues, sign and body languages to communicate their needs. Additionally, it is important to note that language impairment in individuals with autism is not limited to a specific level of language; instead, it depends on the type and severity of the condition, and language impairment occurs at all levels of language.
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