The Impact of the Selection Process on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Swedish Development Aid Organization (SWEDO) in the Kurdistan Region
Selection Process, Organizational Performance, NGO’s, INGO’s The Kurdistan Region.Abstract
Humanitarian organization play a crucial role in assisting individuals who have been adversely affected by civil unrest, therefore they need to recruit individuals who are not only competent but highly qualified through a transparent process devoid of cronyism and nepotism. Such employees have the potential of improving performance of organization. The aim of this study is; to investigate the impact of the selection process on the performance of an organizations. For this, quantitative method is used in which a sample of 200 employees working at SWEDO Organization. Questionnaires were used as the main instrument for collecting data. Study revealed that there was a significant positive association between recruitment and selection process and the policies that govern recruitment, moreover the study established that the most effective way of selecting and recruiting people is to adopt more than method of recruitment and to subject the candidates to a final round of interviews. The findings of this study are crucial to the human resource personnel who are involved in recruitment both in the public service as well as the private sector, since the study has given useful insights on the necessary instruments needed for recruitment. Such policies will certainly help in improving the performance of organizations.
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