A Vision of Feminine Daily Concerns such as Sadness and Loneliness in The Reality Of War and Siege
View of the world, sadness and alienation, Bushra Al-Bustani, living reality, war and siegeAbstract
This research deals with the manifestations of self-concerns, such as sadness and feelings of loneliness and alienation, the female predicament and the difficulties, challenges, and hardship she faces in her daily life that coincides with the problem of war, siege, and comprehensive economic and social deterioration, her control over social reality, and the impact of that on the poetic experience of the poet Bushra Al-Bustani, and the formation of her vision for The world is within a system controlled by the events of reality and its major and pressing transformations that Iraq has witnessed over the The chaos, collapse, and difficulties it caused at all vital levels, such as economic, political, and social, as well as at the individual level, especially those related to the female’s life and her daily lives, in which she collides with the challenges and constraints of living reality, doubly due to the emotional and sentimental specificity that primarily characterizes women.past decades.
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