Estimating Models and Evaluating their Efficiency under Multicollinearity in Multiple Linear Regression: A Comparative Study
فرە پەيوەيستى هێڵەكى ، لاريبوونى هێڵی فرەیی ، تۆڕی دەماری دەستکرد، پاشەکشەی ڕیجی، شیکاری پێکهاتە سەرەکییەکانAbstract
Multicollinearity between independent variables occurs in multiple linear regression analysis characterized by high correlations, which complicates discerning individual variable effect, impacting model accuracy, stability, and interpretation of relationships. The research aims to diagnose the multicollinearity problem between explanatory variables in the linear regression model and identifying the variables causing this problem based on the variance inflation factor (VIF), then estimation and evaluate the performance of three alternative methods, which are Ridge regression, principal components analysis, and Feedforward Neural Networks (FFNN) models with one and two hidden layers and application of the models to compressive strength data for high-performance concrete. The results showed that Ridge regression and PCA effectively addressed multicollinearity problem, but the single hidden layer model FFNN showed superior predictive accuracy in estimating the compressive strength of high-performance concrete when comparing RMSE, MAE, and R2 values.
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