The Role of Air Transportation in Importing Gold for the year 2024 in the city of Erbil
Air Transport, Importing Gold, Erbil City, Air Freight, Airline Companies for Goods.Abstract
The research seeks to study the role of air transportation in importing gold. It is an analytical study of the opinions of air transportation companies for goods. The role of air transportation is represented as an independent variable and depends on two dimensions, which are (the extent of the success of using air transportation, a statement of the impact of using air transportation, and it included goods companies in Importing gold as a variable based on two dimensions: (support and promotion of trade, access and reliability).
To reach the research objectives, it in pursuit of our research objectives, we have relied on descriptive and analytical approaches. In the descriptive approach, airline companies for goods are described and identified, and if the number of airline companies is (57) a company, The survey form was distributed in a way to collect data and information. Then we developed a hypothetical model, relying on a group Hypotheses include:
- There is a statistical important relationship between air transport and the import of gold.
- There is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of the means of air transport and the import of gold.
- There is an impact of each dimension of the means of air transportation on the import of gold.
The analytical approach is based on analyzing the data and information collected quantitatively, which is digital analysis, by relying on mathematical and statistical relationships and equations and utilizing them to analyze the results.
Keywords: Air Transport, Importing Gold, Airline Companies for Goods
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