Self-Acceptance among Adolescents in Erbil
self-acceptance, adolescentsAbstract
The aim of this study is to measure the level of self-acceptance among adolescents in Erbil and to determine the differences according to gender, school type and economic level in self-acceptance variables.
The number of participants was 105 adolescents, 47 males and 58 females, 53 of whom were in public schools and 52 in private schools. To prepare the scale, the researcher used the scale (Al-Masaura, 2018) and (Berger, 1955) (Chamberlain & Haaga, 2001) as well as the sample of Piloting.
The results of the study showed that adolescents in Erbil have a high level of self-acceptance, and the difference is statistically documented at the level of (0.05) and in terms of gender, there is no significant difference between males and females. Regarding the type of school (public and non-public), there is a slight difference in the arithmetic mean of these two variables in favor of public school students and the difference is not statistically documented at the level of (0.05). There is a statistically significant difference in self-acceptance and economic status among adolescents, and a difference in favor of good and medium economic status.
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