Communication and Linguistic Characteristics of Autistic Child
Autism, autistic child language, verbal and non-verbal communication, autism spectrum.Abstract
This study, entitled Language and Communication in autistic child, aims to answer the following questions: What is autism? What is its relationship to language? What are the linguistic characteristics of a child with autism? Is the language problem in autism a speech problem or a linguistic problem? These and many other questions. This research consists of two sections. The first section deals with the definition of autism in the following aspects: what is autism, concepts and terminology, characteristics, and causes of autism.
The second section is the linguistic characteristics of children with autism. This section includes the following topics: verbal characteristics of children with autism, non-verbal characteristics of children with autism. The questionnaire consists of 16 questions about the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication in children with autism. Finally, the results, a list of sources, and a questionnaire form were presented.
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