Geographic Analysis of Soil Moisture Recorded and Estimated in Erbil Governorate
Soil moisture, Satellite images, Weather station and Statistical analysis, Erbil governorateAbstract
Calculating of soil moisture and its monitoring is one of the important processes of water balance and sustainable agriculture. The intended goal of this study is to determine soil moisture values in Erbil Governorate and reveal the correlation coefficient and the degree of influence between its values with the elevation and total annual rainfall. The importance of the study lies In its discussion of the accuracy of extracting soil moisture values using satellite images, by comparing its results with the soil moisture values recorded in the governorate’s climate stations, the study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is: The results of using satellite images to estimate soil moisture are inaccurate. It is closer than guessing, and the results of applying the linear regression process indicated that there was a significant statistical relationship between the soil moisture values recorded with the two factors of elevation and the total annual rainfall, where the probability values were less than 0.01 and the values of the degree of influence between them reached 0.583 and 0.491 for each of them, respectively.
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