Kurdish EFL Students' Perceptions towards AI-Powered Platforms for Learning English Grammar


  • Nawsha Ghaleb Shareef Department of English, College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil




AI-powered platforms; Artificial Intelligence; EFL Students; Grammar; Perception.


The accelerated advancements of AI have extended to all the areas of learning English as a foreign language, including grammar learning. This study aims at investigating Kurdish EFL students’ perceptions and perceived feelings towards the use of AI-powered platforms for learning and improving English grammar. It additionally aims to explore whether the students can master English grammar solely through the use of AI-powered platforms, in absence of the traditional learning methods of grammar. This study employs a quantitative research approach administering a survey questionnaire to 118 Kurdish EFL students at Salahaddin University. The findings point out that the Kurdish EFL students perceive AI-powered platforms as good means for improving English grammar proficiency and they hold a favorable feeling towards the platforms. The findings further showcase that the students believe that they cannot master English grammar by relying solely on the AI-powered platforms. They rather find AI-powered platforms more effective when they are integrated into the traditional learning methods of grammar.


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