Religious Commendation of Arbail (Erbil) in New Assyrian Literature in the Light of the Poetic Poem of Ashurbanipal (668-627 BC.)


  • Karwan Saddiq Bekr Blbas Department of Archaeology,College of Arts, Salahaddin University -Erbil



Arbail City, Ishtar Goddess, Ishtar Temple, Assyrians, Ashurbanipal.


This research is entitled (Religious commendation of Arbail (Erbil) in New Assyrian literature in the light of the poetic poem of Ashurbanipal (668-627 BC.), highlights the importance of the city of Arbail (Hewler) in the history and civilization of Mesopotamia in the seventh century BC. From the perspective of the translated cuneiform text, it is an important work of Assyrian literature because it was written under the direct supervision of Assyrian kings themselves. However, much of the text has been destroyed for natural and human reasons. However, this study is analyzed by the researcher in the context of other poems written for other Assyrian capitals similar to the city of Arbail in the seventh century BC. The research is based on theoretical analysis and comparative archaeology, and the interpretation of the research results is the result and effect of reading many similar literary and religious texts. The researcher tried to study an important literary text, an in-depth study of a poem written 2600 years ago in a precise way in archaeology, which relied on ancient features of Assyrian traditions and culture in an archaeological context and analyzed through literary evaluation. The significance of this research is that for the first time an ancient historical literary text is analyzed in detail and comprehensively relevant in terms of ancient religious thinking, culture, life and civilization, and explains the ancient religious principles of the glory of the city.


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