The Effect of Electronic Brainstorming on Irregular Auditing Practicespractices an Analytical Study of The Opinions of a Sample of Auditors in The City of Erbil
electronic brainstorming, irregular auditing, audit program.Abstract
The study aimed to identify the extent to which electronic brainstorming contributes to reducing the improvised audit, which occurs as a result of the non-implementation of audit procedures by the auditor and obtaining unreliable evidence in addition to the presence of several pressures on the auditor, and the research deals with the impact of electronic brainstorming sessions carried out by auditors in reducing the occurrence of improvised auditing, and for the purpose of achieving the research objective, the researchers organized the questionnaire form and distributed it to a sample of Auditors in the city of Erbil and analyzed through the statistical program (SPSS), the research has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that it has a statistically significant impact in the application of electronic brainstorming on the planning stage of the audit process as well as in the stage of implementing audit procedures, and in the end the researchers recommend the application of electronic brainstorming sessions throughout the audit process by auditors, because it improves the performance of auditors and thus does not occur improvised audit.
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