Derivation of the name of the instrument in the Syriac language from new meters Eugene Manna's Dictionary as an example
God, gene Manna's DictionaryAbstract
The study of the Semitic languages, which are the languages of the Semitic peoples, which have made (Mesopotamia, the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula) the best way to know the ancient and authentic civilization, because language is one of the signs of civilization and is evidence of the existence of civilization and one of its components. Huge products of literature and manuscripts have been written in Syriac. And this is what attracted us to study this subject to stand on the linguistic methods contained in comparison with other Semitic languages, and to reveal their relationship and overlap.
We have chosen the subject of the name of the instrument for this study, although it has not been emphasized by linguists in the past, based on the industrial and technological revolution of this study, and as the new premise of the linguistic construction and continuous use of it, and the interest of this subject by linguists in the present.
We began with the introduction and prepared our study of the meaning of the derivation and its types and the views of the modernists. We have studied the name of the machine in the Semitic languages (Arabic, and Syriac), indicating the weights that come with the examples, in addition to writing the weights and examples in the letter of each language. The words have been translated into Arabic languages for ease of reading by others.
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