A comparative study of the features in Syriac Arabic and Samaritan Arabic, exploring their similarities and differences as Semitic languages
Semitic languages, Middle Arabic Syriac, Samaria, scrollsAbstract
In the Middle Ages, many literary productions emerged in Arabic language written by the Syriacs and Samaria, known as the science of Semitic languages, mediated with (Syriac Arabic; Samaritan Arabic) texts. These texts share to some extent same linguistic features due to their bilingual nature. They have been written in Arabic Language. In this paper, It is noticed that there are many textual evidences and examples from the Sacred Book that can be identified to prove the shared linguistic features of Semitic languages as well as clarifying the concept of intermediate Semitic languages.
The paper aims to clarify the importance of these texts in the heritage of the Eastern (Semitic) civilizations, with reference to the most important characteristics of written and linguistic properties, by presenting particular samples of these texts. The paper is an attempt to answer the questions concerning the relationship between the two linguistic patterns in the fields of literary and non-literary writings of these texts. It is observed that, sometimes, the grammar of these languages does not agree with the grammar of the Arabic language as set up by Arab grammarians. Were these characteristics due to the influence of the authors of these texts, members of the Samaritan and Syriac sect, in their original languages, and their application in their writings?
The method adopted in this study is the comparative method in addition to the descriptive method.
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