An Economic Analytical Study of The Reality of Expatriate Workers for The Period (2017 - 2022) (Dohuk Governorate as An Example)


  • Khamy Nasir Rusheed University of Dohuk / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Economics



expatriate workers, Kurdistan Region, money transfers, unemployment rates, Dohuk Governorate.


This research aims to analyze the reality of expatriate workers in Dohuk Governorate for the period (2017 - 2022), and data was obtained from the Directorate of Labor and Social Security in the governorate. To achieve the research goal, we used the descriptive analysis approach with regard to the demographic, economic and social characteristics of expatriate workers, and it became clear to us that the private sector in the region prefers expatriate workers due to their lower wages compared to the wages of local workers. One of the most important results we reached is that in 2022, the percentage of expatriate workers reached 27% due to the improvement in the economic and health situation. In 2020, the lowest employment rate reached 11% due to the repercussions of the Corona virus. The demand for female labor increased in 2022, reaching 89% compared to males, 11% for the same year. As for the age groups of expatriate workers, the highest percentage was recorded in the group (30-35) years, reaching 28%, while the lowest percentage was recorded in the age group (54-59). year and amounted to 5%. As for expatriate workers, according to the most important sending countries, Turkey ranked first and recorded the highest percentage in 2017 and reached 43%. In 2022, Ghana recorded the highest percentage and reached 24% compared to other countries. As for financial remittances to expatriate workers, they amounted to $400,550 in the year 2022, according to World Bank reports showing high unemployment rates in sending countries. Georgia had the highest unemployment rates, at 11.3%, followed by Nepal, Iran, and Turkey, at 11.1%, 11%. 10%, respectively. Unemployment rates in the region reached (16.5), the highest unemployment rates in Dohuk Governorate reached (24.1) (Kurdistan Region Statistics Authority). One of the most important proposals is the regional government’s attempt to address the problem of unemployment in Dohuk Governorate and the necessity of replacing expatriate workers with local workers.


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How to Cite

Rusheed, K. N. . (2024). An Economic Analytical Study of The Reality of Expatriate Workers for The Period (2017 - 2022) (Dohuk Governorate as An Example). Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 28(2), 109–126.


