The USA position toward Kurdish Refugees in Iran 1974- 1977.


  • Fattah Mahmmad Mahmood Tourism Foundations Administration, Technical College of Shaqllawa, Erbil Polytechnic University.
  • Farhad Mahmmad Ahmed Department of History, College of Humanity, University of Duhok.



Kurds, Revolution, UNHCR, The USA, Refugees


The aim of this research is to study the United States of America’s position toward the Kurdish revolution and the Kurdish Refugees in Iran, as the case of Kurdish refugees became the most widespread topics during the last years and beyond of the Kurdish September Revolution (Eylul), It is worth mentioned that this issue occurred when the Iraqi Government from one side issued the Autonomy Pact for Kurdistan in March 1974 and the Kurdistan Democratic Party had refused that decision, this lead to re-escalation war for another year between the two sides. As a result (200000) Kurds took refuge in Iran, where some of them via UNHCR applied for refugee status in the Western Countries including the USA, therefore, it has been seen important to choose this topic for a scientific research to outline the USA attitude toward the Kurdish Refugees appeal in Iran.


:7 به‌لگه‌نامه‌.

-1.1:7به‌لگه‌نامێن به‌لاڤكرى.

-1.1.1:7به‌لگه‌نامێن حكومه‌تا ئه‌مریكا.

- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976 FRUS, Vol. XXVII, Iran-Iraq, 1973–1976.

- Memorandum From Secretary of State Kissinger to President Ford, Washington, Document No: (77), 6 September 1974.

- Paper Prepared in the Office of Current Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE IRAN–IRAQ AGREEMENT, Washington, Document No: (286), May 1, 1975.

- -Memorandum of Conversation, Participants, Henry A. Kissinger; Assistant to the President, Richard Helms; US Ambassador to Iran, Harold H. Saunders; NSC Staff, Washington, Document No: (24), July 23, 1973.

- Memorandum of Conversation, Participants, The Shah of Iran, Ardeshir Zahedi; Ambassador of Iran, Henry A. Kissinger; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Richard Helms; U.S. Ambassador to Iran, Harold H. Saunders; NSC Staff, Washington, Document No: (27), July 24, 1973.

- National Security Council, Nixon Intelligence Files, Subject Files, Iraqi Kurds, Box 8, 7 April 1969–12 June 1974, cited in ibid, Memorandum From the Presidents Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, Washington, Document No: (207), March 29, 1973.

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- Backchannel Message From the Presidents Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to the Ambassador to Iran (Helms), Washington, Document No: (244), March 26, 1974.

- Memorandum From the Presidents Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, Washington, Document No: (207), March 29, 1973; Memorandum From the Presidents Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, Fiscal Year 1975 Support for the Kurds, Washington, Document No: (254), June 24, 1974.

- Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence, Colby to the Presidents Assistant for National Security Affairs, Kissinger, Text of General Mulla Mustafa Barzanis Letter to Secretary Kissinger, Document No: (264), 2 November 1974.

- Memorandum, From Peter W. Rodman of the National Security Council Staff to Secretary of State Kissinger, Reply to Letter from Barzani, Washington, Document No: (272), 6 February 1975.

- Backchannel Message From the Presidents Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to Secretary of State Kissinger, General Mulla Mustafa Barzanis letter, Washington, Document No: (278), March 10, 1975.

- Massege From the Central Intelligence Agency, to the President’s Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs, Scowcroft, Washington, Document No: (280), March 13, 1975.

- Backchannel Message From the Presidents Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to the Ambassador to Iran (Helms), Washington, Document No: (281), March 16, 1975.

- Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Colby to the Presidents Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), Termination of the Kurdish Assistance Program, Washington, Document No: (289), June 4, 1975.

- Telegram from the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State, Kurdish Refugees, Document No: (311), 6 July 1976.

- Memorandum From Rob Roy Ratliff of the National Security Council Staff, to Secretary of State Kissinger ,U.S. Medical Treatment for Barzani, Washington, Document No: (293), July 24, 1975.

- Action Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Atherton) to Secretary of State Kissinger, Barzanis Request to Visit the United States for Medical Treatment, Washington, Document No: (308), April 27, 1976.

- Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Colby to the Presidents Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) ,Mulla Mustafa Barzanis Request to Meet with a Policy Level American Official ,Washington, Document No: (299), September 26, 1975.

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:7: 2- به‌لگه‌نامێن نه‌ به‌لاڤكرى.

:2:1:7- به‌لگه‌نامێن كومسیونا بلندا په‌نابه‌ران (UNHCR).

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- -From K. Lyonette to the High Commissioner, Meeting with INS officials in Frankfurt, Document No: (267), 19 January 1976.

- -From Mustefa Barzani, to His Excellency Sadr Al-Din Aga Khan, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva, Document No: (158a), 17 August 1975.

- - From Saddrudin Aga Khan, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to The Minister for External Affairs (……..), Document No: (168), 22 August 1975.

- - From K. Lyonette to the High Commissioner, Note for the file, Confidential, Document No: (190e), 17 September 1975.

- - HCR/TEH/KUR/4, from Leslei A. Goodyear, UNHCR Tehran to the High Commissioner, Migration Kurds- USA, Document No: (211a4), 21 October 1975.

- - HCR/NY, From UNHCR Representative in New York, to Mr. Ghassan Arnaout, UNHCR Head Quarter, Geneva, incoming cable, Document No: (191c), 18 September 1975.

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- - From UNHCR, Geneva, to HICOMREF (New York), Outgoing Cable, Document No: (185), 12 September 1975.

- - From F.J. Homann Herimberg, to The High Commissioner, Meeting with Mr. M. Dabiri, First Secretary of Permanent Mission of Iran, Geneva, Document No: (190a), 17 September 1975.

- - HCR/NY, from UNHCR Representative in New York, to Mr. Arnaout, incoming cable, Documents No: (182) 10 September1975.

- - HCR/TEH/KUR/11/41, From Leslei A. Goodyear, UNHCR Tehran to The High Commissioner, Assurance for Kurds Moving to The USA, Document No: (280), 3 February 1976.

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- - From K. Lyonette, to The High Commissioner, Geneva, Situation of Kurds in Iran, Document No: (453c), 11 June 1976.

- - HCR/TEH/KUR/1/25, From Leslei A. Goodyear, UNHCR Tehran to the High Commissioner, Movements of Kurds, Document No: (245), 1 December 1975.

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- - From K. Lyonette, to The High Commissioner, Geneva, Kurdish Resettlement, Document No: (343), 6 April 1976.

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- - From K. Lyonette to the High Commissioner, Note for the file, Confidential, Document No: (190e), 17 September 1975.

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