Sheikh Choly (Anthropological Study)


  • Nadiaj Wali Jabbar Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil



he Mosque, The Shrine, Sheikh Choly, The Social Function, The Religious and Spiritual Function.


Mosques and shrines are sacred to the people of Erbil. Sheikh Choly is known as a symbol of Erbil. Sheikh Choly is a mosque, cemetery, mausoleum and a place to cook food for the poor and needy. Sheikh Choly has had his own site for a long time, and the people of Erbil believe in the sanctity of this place, and this mosque is still open to worshippers. Sheikh Choly was built 139 years ago, and food has been cooked there for 120 years. The main question of the study: What are the characteristics of Sheikh Choly and how did he play his role as a mosque, a shrine and a cemetery? The importance of this research: Sheikh Choly is still a sacred place and one of the symbols of Erbil and has a special importance among the city's residents. This study aims to describe Sheikh Choly and highlight his social, religious and spiritual functions in Erbil, as well as identifying the distinctive features of Sheikh Choly in mosques, shrines and other cemeteries in Erbil. The tagged study is an anthropological study and the method used (Ethnographic and Semiology). From the results of the study: People visit Sheikh Choly as a mosque, a shrine and a cemetery, and they did not lose their confidence in his sanctity. The shrine of Sheikh Choly is visited by people, especially on Thursdays. Sheikh Choly has many religious, spiritual and social functions. Until now, the people of Erbil trust him to fulfill their wishes. Some mosques in Erbil serve Ramadan breakfast, but Sheikh Choly prepares lunch every day except on Fridays, and on the first days of Eid (Ramadan and Eid al-Adha) meals are served after the Eid sermon.


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How to Cite

Wali Jabbar, N. (2023). Sheikh Choly (Anthropological Study). Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 27(5), 1–15.


