The role of new media tools in supporting health awareness for the protection of the Covaid 19 virus


  • Adnan Burhan Qadir Department of Socilogy – Collecge of Art - Salaheddine University-Erbil
  • Sabah Ahmad Najar Department of Socilogy – Collecge of Art - Salaheddine University-Erbil



Role , New Media Tools , Health Awareness , Coved 19 Virus


The world has made big changes in the 21st century, and the main reason for this change is the advancement of technology, which is a skilled home and events are being moved very quickly, and so on. he has expanded his understanding and family and electronic relationships, and has accelerated his slow work in the area from moving them into homes and the only chickens in the coma The lga, therefore, has crossed the political and geographical boundaries of human activities, organisations and countries, and has delivered all kinds of services to humanbeings in all its forms, reconstructing the lives of individuals in a new way.

To scientifically use social systems and their work on health awareness and in the new era and how to confront and protect themselves from the Covaid 19 virus, this research has been done and answers many questions that technology, especially social relations sites (SM), have created in the social system in general for this the attempts to investigate the data and damages have been made until we get a clear and open answer to the question.

This research includes two main dimensions, the first being the new social media media, which is the main reason for the expansion of horizontal social relations between humans around the world, which finds itself in a large number of new media sites and tools, Which has become a very important factor in expanding these relations in these areas, health awareness, self-protection and self-protection of the Corona 19 virus, which is here The people answered many questions without answering their answers, and the research also tried to identify health awareness as a comedy of the singles and then find the role of social relations positions and new tools on health awareness.

In the environment of the Kurdistan Region in general and the city of Erbil, the center of the research, because the capital of the Kurdistan Region and many international consulates and organizations are carrying out snakes and activities and have direct consequences with their country and places, which has led to the research documents that are the city of Erbil. Scientifically, this research goes into sociology and has its own importance: the importance of theory, which finds itself in finding a new model for measuring health awareness, and then the role of new media tools in making changes in health awareness, the second is practical importance that sees itself as the population of Erbil, which has been taken 3 levels (poor, medium and rich). They use new media tools and how much they have played a role in providing information and data special to the Corona virus (Coved 19 Virus).



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How to Cite

Burhan Qadir, A., & Ahmad Najar, S. (2021). The role of new media tools in supporting health awareness for the protection of the Covaid 19 virus. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 25(6), 57–72.


