The Novel of Scientific Thought for Example, Goran Sabah's Novel(Cheap Human Beings)


  • Soran Mamand Abdullah Department of Kurdish Language, College of Languages,Salahaddin University –Erbil
  • Bryar Khaleel Husein Department of Kurdish Language ,College of Basic of Education, Salahaddin University –Erbil
  • Rehan Rasul Ahmed Department of Kurdish Language ,College of Basic of Education, Salahaddin University –Erbil
  • Parween Abdullah khudhur Department of Kurdish Language, College of Basic of Education, Salahaddin University –Erbil
  • Karzan Mohsen Qadir Department of Kurdish Language, College of Basic of Education, Salahaddin University –Erbil



Thought, people, commodification, human invention.


This research is entitled (Novel of Scientific Thought as an Example of Goran Sabah's Novel Cheap Man). It consists of an introduction and several topics. In this article, we will discuss a detailed definition of scientific thought and imagination, as well as the dangers of scientific advances on human life and environment Then we will discuss the conflict and confrontation between biological and technological creatures and reflected in the novel Cheap Man. Finally, the results are presented in several points, and the sources are scientifically classified. With translation of the research summary into Arabic and English.


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