The Effect of Using Probe Thinking Strategy on Legal Acquaintance and Officiating Performance in Volleyball


  • Firas Akram  Saleem College of Physical Education / Salahaddin University-Erbil



probe thinking, volleyball.


The research aims to identify the effect of using probe thinking strategy on legal acquaintance and officiating performance in volleyball 

The research population consists of the third-grade students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and the research sample numbered 48 students, randomly divided into two groups: group (A), the experimental group, and group (D), the control group with (24) students for each group. The population has been selected because the subject of international volleyball law is taught in the third year.

Equivalence was conducted between the two research groups in the variables of intelligence and achievement for the subject of volleyball for the second academic year, then the experiment was conducted by teaching the experimental group according to probthinking strategy, while the control group was studied according to the followed strategy by the teacher.Moreover, by the completion of the experiment the cognitive achievement test of international law of volleyball was processed, the officiating performance test also conducted through the use of specified form ofdirect observation by officiators. Finally,                                          the collecteddata analyzed statistically and the following are the most important results:           - The probe thinking strategy had a significant impact on the cognitive achievement and officiating performance of international law of volleyball, which applied on the experimental group, and overcome the control group that studied according to the followedstrategy by the teacher.

The researcher recommended emphasizing the use of probe thinking strategy which has an impact on the process of analyzing, and linking legal modules with volleyball.


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How to Cite

Saleem, . F. A. . (2021). The Effect of Using Probe Thinking Strategy on Legal Acquaintance and Officiating Performance in Volleyball. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 25(5), 222–232.


