Geomorphology of Gali Ali Beg Valley Area in Erbil Governorate


  • Hikmat Abdulazeez Hamad Alhusainy Department of Geography, College of Arts, Salahddin University-Erbil



geomorphological landforms, Gali Ali beg, geology, geomorphological hazards, faults, Erbil Governorate, slope, erosion


Due to the importance of the study area for Erbil governorate and for it is practical and strategic implications, as it represents the only pass way that passes a high and complex structural ranges that linked the north part of the governorate with middle and south parts, and also for it is tourism importance and scientific value for the geologic purposes in particular, as it reveals rock formations at great depths in the valley area and for the lack of paying attention to this area from scientific point of view due to scarcity of geological and geomorphological studies about it, so the study aimed to study the landforms, perhaps its data and analyses contribute to development plans and projects that may include the study area in the future, as well as developing solutions for the geomorphological hazards taking places in the study area such as mass movements which are threatening architectures foundations, facilities and also people there. The main objectives of this study are to simplify and clarify the complex view about the area for the researchers and those interested in the field of geomorphology and other related disciplines, though the study found out the valley area is highly affected by its structural status. That represented by many folds which are subjected to main and giant faults; therefore, the structural factor was the dominants agents in developing most of the landforms in the area such steep slopes and landforms caused by mass movements, waterfalls, springs and the gorges …. etc., and also there is some geomorphic hazards in which some solutions have been proposed for.


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