The Effects of Contextualized Grammar Teaching on Developing EFL University Students’ Writing Skills and Grammatical Accuracy


  • Paiman Omer Mustafa English Department, College of Basic Education Salahaddin, University-Erbil
  • Fatimah Rasheed Hasan Al Bajalani English Department, College of Languages Salahaddin, University-Erbil



writing skills, grammatical accuracy in writing, explicit-implicit grammar teaching.


This experimental study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of contextualized (explicit/ implicit) grammar teaching in developing writing skills and grammatical accuracy in writing among EFL students majoring at the English Department/ College of Basic Education/ Salahaddin University-Erbil. To this end, 52 second-year students were randomly assigned into two experimental groups and a control group. The first experimental group was exposed to contextualized explicit grammar teaching and the other experimental group was treated with contextualized implicit grammar teaching, while the control group just received traditional grammar teaching. To assess the effectiveness of the treatments, pre- and post-tests in the form of paragraph writings were used and analysed using the ANCOVA test. Although the results attested that contextualized (explicit/ implicit) grammar teaching was found to be effective, the results were very promising for the contextualized explicit grammar teaching method. The study concluded by discussing the results and providing suggestions for further research.


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How to Cite

Mustafa, P. O. ., & Al Bajalani , . F. R. H. . (2024). The Effects of Contextualized Grammar Teaching on Developing EFL University Students’ Writing Skills and Grammatical Accuracy. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 28(SpA), 456–467.


