Human and Animal Ethics
- It is the responsibility of the author (s) of any work involving the use of human and animal subjects to ensure that the work does not threaten or pose any risk to the subjects, and the work should be approved by the institutional ethical committee.
- Articles covering research involving both humans and animals must verify the fact that the procedures followed ethical standards and legal requirements.
- Regarding research involving humans, a statement from a research committee declaring the participants' informed consent must be provided by the corresponding author.
- In the case of human images presenting (participant or patient), the identities must hide. In addition, the corresponding author is required to declare that received the informed consent of the relevant individual (s).
- For studies involving animals, it is crucial that the proper approval has been secured in compliance with national and international laws and regulations.
- Permission must be acquired before the research is carried out.
- Research involving using animals must be conducted in accordance with the consensus ethics governing the use of these animals in scientific work.
- Within the methods section of their manuscript, authors must include an ethics statement that includes information about the approval process.
- We strongly encourage the use of standard procedures and reduce the number of use animals in research.