Bastora Basin, Morphometry, Basin, Stream, River, Drainage, produce, Northern Iraq.Abstract
The current study aims to conduct a detailed morphometric investigation of the Bastora basin watersheds in the northeastern section of Erbil, Iraq. The study region is situated between the longitudes of 44o 10' 19" and 44o 27' 33" east and the latitudes of 36o 19' 36" to 36o 15' 17" north. The present research attempts to study detail morphometric analysis of Bastora basin watersheds in the northeastern To meet the goals of this study, the areas of the basins are 236.4 Km2. Geo-information (Remote sensing and GIS) techniques were utilized to determine and analyze morphometric characteristics in terms of linear, aerial, and relief aspects. Several tools in the ArcGIS 10.8 program were used to prepare and produce maps, analyze and evaluate various parameter features, and enforce specification hydrology tool. An area was covered by a six-order drainage sub-basin with a total of (587) streams and (418.24 km) of stream length. Just the mean bifurcation ratio (3.62). The sixth order sinuosity index value is (1.4). The results were (1.77 km-1 for drainage density and 6.00 for drainage texture. The circulation ratio is and the elongation ratio is (0.31). The extended morphology, low runoff discharge, and high subsurface permeability of the basin imply these characteristics. The river can be thought of as the average stage of balance between erosion and sediment deposition. The hydro-morphometric analysis is a very helpful guide for choosing the location and type of dam.
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