Evaluation of Rosemary extract and some fungicides activities against selected tomato fungal pathogens in Erbil and Sulaimani Governorates Kurdistan Region/ Iraq
Tomato disease, Pathogenicity, Extract, Phytocompounds, rRNA, ControlAbstract
Tomato plants are subject to attacks by different types of fungi most of which are destructive and cause plant death. Extensive researches were carried out attempting to find safe and easily degradable bio-fungicides with minimum adverse effects. Therefore, naturally originated indigenous plant products are generally considered excellent alternative phytopathogen controlling agents. In recent study we evaluated the antifungal action of ethanol, methanol, acetone, and water Rosemary extracts against Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia solani, and Phoma destructiva fungi isolated from diseased tomato plants and identified by DNA based molecular identification technique. With the exception of the low inhibitory action of the extracts against Fusarium solani (5.5188 - 8.7762%), all extracts showed an excellent antifungal action against Alternaria alternata (40.1- 44.9%), Rhizoctonia solani (13.8-19.2%), and Phoma destructiva (25.4-33.5%). The ethanol extract of Rosemary showed the best inhibition action among all tested solvent extracts.
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