Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Lysine and Methionine on Growth Performance, Blood Parameters and Body Composition of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) Fingerling
Cyprinus carpio, body compositions; growth performance; haemato-biochemical profiles; lysine; methionine; nutrient utilization.Abstract
The current study was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of lysine and methionine on growth performance, approximate carcass compositions and haematological and biochemical parameters in common carp, Cyprinus carpio fingerlings (average weight 22 ± 0.9 g) for 10 weeks. Four experimental diets were prepared with supplemented with lysine and methionine at levels of (0 (control diet), T1 (1Lys and 0.4Met g/kg), T2 (2Lys and 0.8Met g/kg), T3 (3Lys and 1.2Met g/kg). No mortalities were recorded during the experimental study. Final weight (FW), weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion efficiency (FCE) were significantly improved (P˂0.05) in fish fed T1 compare to fish fed control diet. However Lys and Met levels in T3 diet compromised the growth performance and feed utilization. There was significantly (p˂0.05) effect protein and ash on whole-body composition by dietary lysine and methionine supplementation but has not significantly affect whole body lipid content.
The result of this study has significantly effect on some biochemical blood parameters include erythrocytic count, leucocytic count and haematocrit and this study showed that plasma cholesterol and triglyceride of the fish was significantly affected. Addition of lysine and methionine resulted in significant differences in amino acid profile in fish meat. The result indicated that supplementing lysine and methionine of the diet T1 improve growth performance and feed utilization and up to T2 diet with slight increase in performance and health status of common carp (C. carpio) fingerlings.
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