Measurement of Radon Activity Concentration in Soils Samples of Shaqlawa Region in Erbil City/ Iraqi Kurdistan Using RAD7 Detector
Soil Radon; RAD7; Shaqlawa City; Radium Content; Alpha particlesAbstract
The radon concentration of soil samples from several places in the Shaqlawa city/Iraqi Kurdistan area has been determined by using RAD7detector. The soil samples are gathered from different geological formations. Maximum and minimum radon concentrations were (88.3 ± 9.4) and (51.1 ± 7.1) Bq/m3 in the regions of Kawanian and Darband , respectively. The average radon concentration in soil samples from the city of Shaqlawa was (63.15 ± 16.94) Bq/m3, which was below the ICRP-recommended threshold (1991).
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