Determination of some heavy metals in imported rice grains (Oryza sativa) available in Sulaymaniyah market and evaluation of their health risk assessment
Rice, Imported Rice, Heavy Metals, Health Risk Assessment, Estimated Weekly Intake.Abstract
This investigation was conducted to assess the levels of some heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, copper, zinc, iron, nickel, and manganese in imported rice sold on the Sulaymaniyah market – Iraqi Kurdistan. The potential human health risk assessment was conducted by considering estimated weekly intake (EWI) of heavy metals from eating rice and calculated values compared with provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). The mean values for copper, manganese and zinc were considerably higher than allowable limits set by FAO/WHO. While the lead value in the entire rice types were lower than allowable limits set by FAO/WHO except (Uruguayan rice R9 and R12, Iranian rice R20, American rice R24, and Russian rice R26). The concentration of iron and nickel in some rice brands were less than the standard limit, and the chromium value was within the safe limit except for these (Indian rice R1, Uruguayan rice R12, Iranian rice R20, Chinese rice R33) brands, which were higher than the acceptable limit. EWI for chromium and nickel in most samples were higher than the PTWI. Also, EWI for zinc, manganese, and copper was higher than the PTWI set by FAO/WHO. Moreover, the EWI for lead were considerably higher than other measured toxic metals, and the highest mean level of EWI for lead was observed in some imported rice samples. Thus, the high consumption of rice contaminated with heavy metals can cause potential health risks to the Kurdish population in Kurdistan. More consideration should be given to contaminated rice and prevention and control measures should be taken.
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