Morphological Identification and Distribution of Freshwater Snails (Gastropods: Mollusca) in Greater Zab River, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Freshwater snail; Morphology; Greater Zab; Iraq.Abstract
A total of 4754 snails were collected from four sites (Qandil, Kawergosk, Khabat, and Sufaia) on Greater Zab River, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, identified morphologically and the distribution results made up of 2764 (58.14%) of Physella acuta, 919 (19.33%) of Radix auricularia, 416 (8.75%) of Radix euphratica, 180 (3.79%) of Radix sp., 255 (5.36) of Melanopsis praemorsa and 220 (4.63%) of Gyraulus huwaizahensis. Statistical analysis of species distribution showed significant (p<0.05) differences with study sites. All species (except Physella acuta) recorded for the first time in Greater Zab River.
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