Influence of watering periods and organic fertilizer on seedling growth and development of two species of oak tree; Quercus aegilops and Quercus libani
Watering periods, Organic fertilizer, Q. aegilops, Q. libani, Morphological, and physiological parametersAbstract
Raisin drought seasons and temperature at last decades are the maximum prominent threats for the world. It is predictable that there will be several regional influences by worldwide climate alteration, especially on freshwater reserves, energy, biodiversity, agriculture, human health, forest trees and sea level. This experiment was aimed for estimate the influence of watering periods and organic fertilizers on seedling growth and development of the two oak species; Q. aegilops L. and Q. libani L.. The trial was conducted under three levels of water periods (once every 4 days, 8 days and once every12 days) and with three organic fertilizer levels (control, 25 gm, and 50 gm per pot) were used two times when seedlings age was 3 and 6 months. The result showed that the organic fertilizer with watering periods had a significant effect on seedling growth and physiological properties. The results indicated that the highest value Leaf number and seedling height increment (5.22 plant-1, and 2.20 cm, respectively) were both recorded from (4 days watering plant-1). The highest values of leaf area (10.95cm2) were recorded from the (zero or control organic fertilizer plant-1) in Q. aegilops. The highest value moistures content was (63.52 %) were recorded from interaction between (8 days of watering*25gm organic fertilizer). Therefore, it is concluded that Q. aegilops and Q. libani seedlings could success under organic fertilizer and watering periods, especially seedlings were showed best performance under well water availability.
Keywords: Watering periods, Organic fertilizer, Q. aegilops, Q. libani, Morphological, and physiological pareameters
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