Yield and Growth Indices of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) as Influenced by Inter and Intra Row Spacing
Maize, Growth Indices, Crop growth rate, Relative growth rate, Inter row spacing, Intra row spacingAbstract
To study the yield and physiological growth indices of hybrid maize a field experiment was conducted during the main cropping season under rain-fed conditions in 2020 and 2021 at Ankawa Research Center and Qushtapa zones of northern Iraq to determine the effects of inter and intra row spacing on growth, yield components, and yield of hybrid maize. One maize hybrid (CASH F1) was used in the experiment.The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in a simple factorial arrangement with three replications. Treatments were three inter-row spacing’s of (55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm) with three intra row spacing's of (25 cm, 30 cm and 35 cm) replicated thrice making a total of nine plots. At 15-day intervals, data on dry matter partitioning, different growth rate parameters, and dry matter production of various plant sections were obtained.The results indicated significant variations in almost all of the yield and growth indices. Plant and ear height were significantly affected by the main effect of inter, intra row spacing and location.Inter and intra row spacing (55 cm × 25 cm) and (75 cm × 30 cm) combination gave taller ear and plant height. Accordingly,crop growth rate CGR and relative growth rate RGR gave the highest mean value at the nteraction combinations inter and intra row spacing (75 cm × 30 cm) and (75 cm × 35 cm).
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