In Vitro Control of Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Infection by Some Biocides used in Erbil Hospitals
Biocide, Biofilm, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Multidrug Resistance.Abstract
Aim: Screen the multidrug resistance Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates which is the main causative agent of nosocomial infection in Erbil hospitals. And monitoring the effectiveness of some of the most widely used biocides in our hospitals on these isolates and select the most effective one to be used in infection control of these hospitals. Methods: This study included 81 klebsiella spp. isolates were collected from different clinical specimen from different hospitals in Erbil City from 1August to 1 November 2021. Susceptibility against 50 isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae was assessed for 10 antibiotics by the disc-agar method and ten biocides by the cup plate agar diffusion method. Results: From (81) isolates only 50 (%62) were Klebsiella pneumonia. There were 2(4%) isolates not biofilm producers and 48(96%) isolates as biofilm producers. Their antibiotic resistance profile showed all isolates (% 100) was resistance to Ampicillin, while (%74) isolates was showed susceptibility to Imipenim and Meropenim and (%57.1) to ciprofloxacin. Also, Statistical analysis showed that the higher and lower mean of biocide were Virkon and Alcohol- Base which were 51.54mm and 12.91mm respectively. Conclusion: Our observations imply that side by side bacteria increase the ability to resist against biocides. In addition, Virkon was the most effective biocide against K. pneumoniae isolates. We recommend pay attention to choose the best biocide to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria and control the infection in hospitals.
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