Foliar application effect of gibberellic acid on growth, yield components and some qualitative characteristics of linseed (Linium usitatissimum L.)
Flax, Gibberellic acid, Growth, Yield, Fatty acids profileAbstract
The highest values (22.16, 18.63, 0.44, 5.58 and 7.25) % for oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic and stearic acid respectively which were recorded from the interaction treatment of GA3 (375 mg L-1) x Syrian Cultivar. Strong positive correlation was found between seed yield to each of (plant height (cm), fruiting stem (cm), number of branch plant-1, stem width (mm), number of capsule plant-1, number seed capsule-1, seed index (g), harvest index %, oil yield (Mg ha-1) with the correlation coefficient(r) values of (0.87**,0.86**,0.89**.0.81**,0.79**,0.77**,0.98** ,0.96**and 0.99**.
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