Foliar application Effect of Salicylic Acid and Drought Stress on Growth and Yield of Mung bean (Vigna radiata )
Vigna radiate; Growth; Drought; Salicylic acid.Abstract
This study was conducted to investigate the mitigation of drought stress by foliar application of salicylic acid in mung bean (Vigna radita). Treatments comprised of three drought stress which are control treatment without drought stress , drought stress at %50 flowering stage and drought stress at %50 pod formation stages and foliar application of salicylic acid (SA) in three concentrations which are 50 ppm, 100ppm,150 ppm at two times, first spray after 30 days second spray after 40 days of sowing. Irrigation missing at flowering stage, affected less the growth and yield as compared with irrigation missing at both flowering and pod formation stage. The results showed that most of treatments were affected significantly on yield and yield components, the data represented highest values of control treatments (number of pod, weight 100 seeds, biological yield, harvest index) (19.88 pod.-1, 5.21 g, 9, 28 ton.ha-1, 7.13%) respectively, and the value of the same traits reduced in drought at %50 flowering stage to (18.71 pod.-1, 4.58 g, 8.43ton.ha-1, 4.44%) respectively. Also, the results indicated that the higher concentrations (150 ppm) of salicylic acid caused significant increase in value of (seed yield, weight 100 seeds, and harvest index). Although water deficit stress has hampered the yield and yield components of mungbean .Exogenous application of salicylic acid mitigate the adverse effects of drought stress significantly.
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