Effect of Tillage Implement practices on Growth, Yield and Yield Components of Two Maize Hybrid (Zea mays L.)
Tillage system; Maize variety; locations; maize growth and yield component.Abstract
The field experimental was conducted (2020-2021) at Trppaspyan village and Research center of Agriculture Ainkawa to evaluate the influence of different tillage systems with two cultivars in two locations on growth and yield of maize. The experimental design includes eight treatments with three replication and laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design factorial. The treatments include: chisel plow (T1), moldboard plow (T2), harrow disc (T3), zero tillage (T4) with two cultivars. Each plot measured 30 m long x 3 m wide with spacing of 75 cm and distance plant to plant contain 20 cm between replicates. A tacks soil sample (30 cm) to test soil analysis in the Laboratory of Soil Science, Research center of Agriculture (Ainkawa). The data collected where analysis of variance (ANOVA) table after which significant mean values were separated using Duncan test at P <0.05) according SAS program and excel statistical program. The results of the study showed various tillage systems had no significant effect on the growth and yield parameters. Meanwhile, there was significant effect in some of growth parameters, as well as the grain yield of maize. It can be concluded that the effect moldboard plow and harrow disc implement of tillage systems due to improving growth and yield component of maize compared to other tillage treatments and decrease weed growth in arid lands.
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