Histological Impacts of L-Arginine, Vitamin C and Their Combination on Liver and Kidney of Paracetamol Treated Rats
L-Arginine; Vitamin c; hepatotoxicity; nephrotoxicityAbstract
Paracetamol as analgesic drugs makes hepatotoxicity and kidney damage in overdose situations. The present study investigates the protective effects of L-arginine and vitamin c against paracetamol toxicity. Thirty male rats with age of eight weeks divided into five groups: Control group with normal diet, Model animals received 500 mg/kg of Paracetamol. The Third group received 1% of L-arginine and same dose of paracetamol. Forth group received 1% of vitamin c plus paracetamol and the last group treated with a combination of all three chemicals. All drugs administrated orally in drinking water for 28 days. Liver and kidneys of the control group rats showed increasing in the weight while non-significant result was observed in the other groups. Histological investigation of the kidney of the model group shows inflammatory cell infiltration, tubular dilation and glomerulus damage, while liver sections shows sinusoid dilation inflammatory cell accumulation hepatocytes degeneration. L-arginine and vitamin C showed some protective effects when administrated alone but their combination has no good effects when compared with control group. In conclusion, L-Arginine administration has good protective effects against toxicity of liver and kidney induced by Paracetamol.
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