Succession Effect of Wheat Cultivation After Some Crops on Mycorrhizal Infection, Yield, and Quality of Wheat
Crop rotation, mycorrhizal infection, protein content, wheat yield and protein content.Abstract
The present study was conducted during wheat growing season (from November to June 2017 ) at Grdmalla village, Qushtapa district, Erbil governorate with Global Positioning System (GPS) reading of 360 01 N , 440 01 E and 413.8m above sea level to study the impact of crop rotation or cultivation of wheat after some vegetable crops and wheat itself such as broccoli, tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant and wheat. The results showed that the lowest infection percentage was observed in case of cultivation of wheat after wheat which was 30% in case of cultivation of wheat after wheat, while this value raised to 70-90% in case of cultivation of wheat after the mentioned vegetables. The increase in infection percentage of plant roots with mycorrhizal fungi caused significant increase in wheat yield, phosphorus and protein content. The wheat yield increased from 2.50 Mega gram ha-1 to 4.86 Mega gram ha-1(ton ha-1) in case of cultivation wheat after wheat and broccoli respectively. On the other hand, the protein percentage was increased from 12.20 to 16.50% in case of cultivation of wheat after wheat and cultivation of wheat after broccoli respectively. The significant correlation was recorded between both of yield and protein content of wheat with mycorrhizal infection with correlation coefficient values of (r=0.89 ** and 0.99**) respectively.
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